Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 4.djvu/517

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APPENDIX. 487 NOTE XI. Strength of thr Allies on the 17th of Ootobbb. It was only in the batteries of the besiegers and the besieged that the 17th of October proved to be a day of strife ; and therefore it is quite unnecessary to attempt to give the numerical strength of the Allies at that particular time with anything like minuteness ; but an approximate estimate made in general terms may be useful : — Estimated strength of the Allies on the 17th of October, in- cluding their seamen and marines at that time landed, and also including some 9400 Turks, (about) 68,000. The strength of the rank and file of Lord Eaglan's infantry had already dwindled down to a number little exceeding 16,000. — Lord Eaglan to Duke of Newcastle, Private Letter, October 23d, 1854. NOTE XII. Gkounds op Statement as to Strength of the Garrison ON THE 6th and 9tH OF OCTOBER 1 854. It is right to say that the work published under the sanction of General de Todleben (p. 277) cuts down this strength to the round numbers of 28,000, increased only, as it states, to 32,000 before the 17th of October (p. 296); and I therefore will state the authority on which I rely. I adopt the figures Avhich are given in full official detail by Gendre, the author of 'Mat^riaux pour servir;' and the following is the note by which he authenticates his state-