Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 4.djvu/70

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40 TUE FLANK MARCH. CHAP, one of the features of his character. Before he '• embarked, ho offered a present — his Paissiau carriage and liorses — to General Bosquet, an officer, as we kiiuw, of great repute and station in the French army, who, even at that parting mo- jnent, was regarded by the Marshal as his enemy. Covered by a tricolor flag, the Marshal, on the 29th of September, was carried on board ship by the seamen of the Berthollet, and placed in the cabin prepared fur him. There, the Abbe Para- tere, who had been summoned to do the part of the Church to a dying Catholic, was left alone with the sufferer ; but, ' After some instants' — so runs the account — ' the Abbe came out, and said, ' " The Marshal is ready to die a Christian." ' This was in the morning. The Berthollet put to sea. Marshal St Arnaud no longer suffered from acute pain, but between noon and sunset lie died. In earlier volumes 1 recounted some of his actions.