Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 4.djvu/85

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OF Tin: AF.MA. 55 line from the Aitilk-ry Fort to the head of the chap. Man-of-war Harbour. l>esides these Avorks, the ' isolated sea-fort near Quarantine Bay, which we call the Quarantine Sea-fort, and also the Artillery Fort, had been so closed at their gorges by eartli- M'orks as to be turned into redoubts, now de- fended on the land side as well as on the side of the water. In the Karabel sulnirb, less had been done; but there also, along a curved line extending IVoni the head of the jNIan-of-war Harbonr to the month of the Careening ]jay, there were already the liedan, the jNIalakoff Tower, the I-ittle liedan, and, finally, the Battery of the Point, hav- ing near it a strong cazern already armed with small cannon.* The works thus defending the Karabel faubourg were not as yet connected by any intermediate entrenchment; and the JNIala- koff, afterwards so formidable, was only at this time a naked, horseshoe -shaped tower, having five guns on the top, but M'ithout the glacis and the outworks which were soon to rise folding around it. It seems that the tower was built at Theanna- the expense of the Sebastopol traders. At this the works. time, the number of guns in battery for the de- fence of the south side of Sebastopol on its land side amounted to 151. Of these, 128 pieces were applied to the defence of Sebastopol proper, and only 23 to that of the Karabel subuib.

  • General Buriio"s plan— prepared in 1837 (see note a7ite,

p. 53) — was followed in the construL-tion of the above-meu- tioned works of IS5ZA.--Xu(fi tu Zd Edi/ion.