Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol 6.djvu/355

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THE MAIN FlGiiT. 311 yet SO ueai'ly approachiug that they could be in chap. time for the next conflict. ' 9d Period, II. The Eussians now gathered their strength for a pian of ti.e Russians. concentrated attack on Home Eidge, Whatever their earlier movements, the great bulk of the troops undertaking this onslaught came emerging at last from the Quarry Eavine. Percy Herbert indeed saw great columns which started at first from Shell Hill and began to pour down its side in a state of excitement and hurry ill suited to the then long distance between them and their foes ; * but it is believed that these masses soon bent away towards their left in avoid- ance of the Saddle-top Eeach, and afterwards made their way up by ground where their march could be but little observed till it brought them within a few yards of the Barrier. -j- Movements

  • On account of the smoke these movements on Shell Hill

were not visible to Pennefather, but the accident of being at the moment on the Fore Ridge enabled Percy Herbert to dis- cern them. The cynical speech he was heard to utter when he saw the Russians beginning their 'double quick' so prematui-ely was characteristic of the cool sportsman as well as of the cool soldier : ' Nicely blown those poor devils will be ! ' + A question as to the routes by which the enemy in this great attack made good his advance to the foot of Home Ridge, was long the subject of discussion in the camp of the 2d Divi- sion ; but I believe the statement in the text to be accurate, and at all events it is the one supported by the authority of General Pennefather. He 'always tliought,' as he once assured me, that the Russians effected their advance almost entirely 'by ' the line of the Post-road.'