Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol 7.djvu/404

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360 THE WINTER TROUBLES. CHAP, prostrate from sickness or wounds. Using that ^^- tender word which likened the helplessness of the down-stricken soldier to the helplessness of infancy, they only said they would ' nurse ' him ; and accordingly, if regarded with literal strict- ness, their duty would simply be that of attend- ants in hospital-wards — attendants obeying with strictness the orders of the medical officers. It was seen that the humble soldiers were likely to be the men most in want of care, and the ladies were instructed to abstain from attend- ing upon any of the officers.(^) TIT. What the brain of the woman proved able to achieve by its impelling and governing faculties we shall learn when we come to witness the wholesome revolution it worked in our vast Bar- rack hospital at Scutari ; but of the ministering power that a gentle lady can wield, and of the blessings her very step brings when even she ventures no more than to ' nurse ' — simply Miss ' nurse ' — the poor sufferers, Miss Stanley, Avitli suniey. ^^^^ Sistci's that followcd her, became a gracious example.(^) Impelled by a ceaseless desire to assuage human sufferings, and gifted with indom- itable energies never taught to do battle for self. Miss Stanley had accepted the destiny which — in language half precept, lialf prophecy — a loving mother foreshowed as the one that her ' Mary ' must face ; {^) and devoted herself heart and soul to a life of beneficent toil. Hav-