Page:The invasion of the Crimea vol. 1.djvu/32

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XXY1U CONTEXTS. Chapter IT. — continued. The practical working of the Usage, Aspect of Europe in reference to the Turkish I Policy of Austria, ..... Of Prussia. ..... Of France, ..... Of England, ..... Of the lesser States of Europe, mpire, 29 33 33 34 34 30 39 CHAPTER III. Holy shrines, ..... Contest for the possession of the shrines, Patronage of Foreign Powers, Comparison between the claims of Russia and Measures taken by the French President, By the Russian Envoy, . Embarrassment of the Porte, . Mutual concessions, .... The actual subject of dispute, . Increased violence of the French Government, Afrf Bey's Mission, .... Delivery of the key and the star, Indignation of Russia, .... Advance of Russian forces. France, 40 4.". 43 44 4o 48 48 43 49 50 53 54 55 CHAPTEE IX Natural ambition of Russia, Its irresolute nature, The Emperor Nicholas, . His policy from 1829 to 185? ov 63 64 CHAPTER V. Troubles in Montenegro, ....... Count Leiningen's mission, ....... The Czar's plan of sending another mission to the Porte at the same time, .......... Plans of the Emperor Nicholas, ...... 76 77