Page:The invasion of the Crimea vol. 2.djvu/116

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86 CAUSES INVOLVING FRA2JCE AND ENGLAND CHAP. vin. whole German Confederation as also of their own States, and the more so as Russia ex- tends her warlike operations on Turkish terri- tory ; ' and then went on to stipulate ' that the Austrian Government should address a commu- nication to the Russian Court, with the object of obtaining from the Emperor of Russia the neces- sary orders for putting an immediate stop to the further advance of his armies upon the Turkish territory, as also to request of His Imperial Majesty sufficient guarantees for the prompt evacuation of the Danubian Principalities, and that the Prussian Government should again, in the most energetic manner, support these com- munications.' Finally, the high contracting parties agreed that, 'if, contrary to expectation, the answer of the Russian Court should not be of a nature to give them entire satisfaction, the measures to be taken by one of the contracting parties, according to the terms of Article II. signed on that day, would be on the understand- ing that every hostile attack on the territory of one of the contracting parties should be repelled with all the military forces at the disposal of the other.' * Of the intent and the meaning of this treaty, and the use which Austria and Prussia were about to make of it, no doubt could exist. Fail- ing the peremptory summons which was to be addressed to Russia, the forces of Austria alone were to execute the easy task of expelling the • * Eastern Papers,' part x.