Page:The invasion of the Crimea vol. 2.djvu/265

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ATTACK OX SEBASTOPOL. 235 niptly — a roiigli sort of justice was done. The chap style which Oriental hyperbole used to give to L the Sultan might be claimed with more colour of truth by the journal. In a sense it was the ' asylum of the world.' Still up to this point the Company occupied ground in common with many other speculators ; and if they had gone no further, it would not have been my province to notice the result of their labours ; but many years ago it had occurred to the managers of this Company that there was one important article of news which had not been effectually supplied. It seemed likely that, with- out moving from his fireside, an Englishman would be glad to know what the bulk of his fellow-countrymen thouglit upon the uppermost questions of the day. The letters received from correspondents furnished some means of acquir- ing this knowledge ; and it seemed to the man- agers of the Company, that at some pains, and at a moderate cost, it would be possible to ascertain the opinions which were coming into vogue, and see the direction in which the current would How. It is said that, with this intent, they many years ago employed a shrewd, idle clergyman, who made it his duty to loiter about in places of com- mon resort, and find out what people thought upon the principal subjects of the time. He was not to listen very much to extreme foolishness, and still less was he to hearken to clever people. His duty was to wait and wait until he observed that some ccmmon and obvious thouglit was