Page:The invasion of the Crimea vol. 2.djvu/281

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FOK THE I^'VASION. 251 CHAPTER XV. At the time when the instructions from the CHAP, XV Home Governments reached the camp of the Allies, the Generals ^ye^e preparing for an active va^t""'**^ campaign in Bulgaria, and JMarshal St Arnand of prepay! had around him, in the neighbourhood of Varna muidie of* or moving thither, four strong divisions of infan- ^" try, -with cavalry and field-artillery. He had no siege-train. Lord Eaglan had around him four divisions of infantry, the greater part of a division of cavalry, and of his field-artillery seven batteries. He had also on board ship off Yarna the half of a batter- ing-train, and the other half of it was nearly ready to be despatched from England. The French Marshal was receiving and expect- ing constant additions to his force ; and Lord Eaglan had been apprised that a reserve division of infantry under Sir George Cathcart would speedily reach the Bosphorus. So long as the French and English forces re- mained camped in the neighbourhood of Varna, their command of the sea-communication insured