Page:The invasion of the Crimea vol. 2.djvu/291

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  • and, / helicvc,^ lias written privately to the Mar- chap.

' shal to that effect. I sliall submit to the Cabinet _^*_. ' a despatch to you on this subject, and if it is ' approved you may expect it by the next mail. ' In the mean time I hope you will be turning ' over in your own mind, and considering with

  • your French colleague, what it will be safe and

' advisable to do.' t The promised despatch was in these words : — ' Secret. ' War Department, 2Wi June 1854. ' My Lord, ' In my despatch of the 10th April, marked ' " Secret," I directed your Lordship to make

  • careful inquiry into the amount and condition

' of the Eussian force in the Crimea, and the ' strength of the fortress of Sebastopol. ' At the same time I pointed out to your

  • Lordship that, whilst it was your first duty to

' prevent, by every means in your power, the ' advance of the Eussian army on Constantinople, ' supposing any such intention to exist, it might ' become essential for the attainment of the ob- ' jects of the war to undertake operations of an ' offensive character, and that the heaviest blow ' which could be struck at the southern extremi- ' ties of the Eussian empire would be the taking

  • I need liardly saj' that the lUKlerscoving represented Ly

these Italics appears iu the original note. + Private letter from the Duke of Newcastle to I.orJ Raglan, dated 28th June 1854.