Page:The invasion of the Crimea vol. 2.djvu/417

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APPENDIX. NOTE I. Papers showing the Concord existing between the FouK Powers at the time when France and England WERE ENGAGING IN A SEPARATE COURSE OF ACTION. Protocol of a Conference held at Vienna, February 2, 1851. (Translation.) Present : The Representatives of Austria, France, Great Britain, and Prussia. The Representatives of Austria, France, Great Britain, and Prussia, have met together in conference to hear the communication which the Austrian Plenipotentiary has been good enough to make to them of tire proposition sub- mitted by the Cabinet of St Petersburg in reply to those wiiich he had undertaken, on the IStli of January, to for- ward to the Imperial Government, and which were sanc- tioned by the approval of the Powers represented in the Conference of Vienna. The document which contains them is annexed to the present Protocol. The undersigned, after having submitted the above- mentioned propositions to the most careful examination;