Page:The land of enchantment (1907, Cassell).djvu/102

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Once, when I was a-cruising in the Pacific, Master Charles, the vessel fell a prey to pirates. Me and the rest of the crew fought like wild cats, but ’twas no manner of use, for the odds were six to one. We all got knocked on the head for our pains, every mother’s son, and all but me were chucked into the yawning ocean. They were a-going to serve me the same, but I happened to come to in the very nick of time, for I'd only been stunned. The pirate captain says to me, says he, ‘Ben, my lad, you must join our gallant band, for we are in want of such brave fellows as you,’ says he. ‘We’re free as the air, victuals and drink to your taste, and a fine fortune in prospect. Say the word and your name shall be enrolled on the ship’s books,’ says he, ‘and proud we'll be to have you.’

“Avast,’ I answers him, ‘not me; I may be poor but I’m honest, and so I won’t deceive you; neither do I yearn to have my name enrolled.’

“Well, please yourself,’ says he; ‘it’s that or death by torture!’

“I can’t say my spirits were particularly boisterous on hearing this, but I was as firm as a rock.”

“I think that was awfully brave of you,” said Charlie.

“Well, Master Charles, it’s not for me to say,” replied the modest Ben. ‘Anyway, seeing as how I wouldn’t budge, the skipper fell into a violent rage. First he was for skinning of me, then he’d have me boiled, but at last the worst he could think of was to put me into a leaky boat without any oars and cast me adrift. This being done immediate, the rascals sheered off and left me to my fate, after chucking in their nasty black flag as a parting gift.”

“Oh, Ben, what did you do?”

“Well, Master Charles, that’s just the question I put to myself; says I, ‘My lad, you're like to hop the twig this time and no mistake. The sharks will put you in their larder and feast on pickled Benjamin. You’ve no victuals and too much water, so what’s your little game?’

“I give you my word, Master Charles, I was feeling somewhat down in the dumps at the dismal prospect, when my eye fell on the flag, and down I went on my hands and knees a-feeling careful for the leaks. To my great joy I could only find three, so I up and tore the hateful flag into strips, which I stuffed into the holes, whereby the sea stopped