Page:The last of the Mohicans (1826 Volume 3).djvu/43

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horror, when he found himself in actual contact with Magua.

The sudden return of this artful and dreaded chief, caused a delay in the intended departure of the Huron. Several pipes that had been extinguished, were lighted again; while the new comer, without speaking a word, drew his tomahawk from his girdle, and filling the bowl on its head, began to inhale the vapours of the weed through the hollow handle, with as much indifference, as if he had not been absent two weary days on a long and toilsome hunt. Ten minutes, which appeared so many ages to Duncan, might have passed in this manner; and the warriors were fairly enveloped in a cloud of white smoke, before one of them uttered the significant word—

"Welcome! Has my friend found the moose?"

"The young men stagger under their burthens," returned Magua. "Let 'Reed-that-bends' go on the hunting path; he will meet them."

A deep and awful silence succeeded the