Page:The letters of William Blake (1906).djvu/141

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Accept them yourself, and believe me, for ever, your affectionate and obliged friend,

William Blake.

My sister will be in town in a week, and bring with her your account, and whatever else I can finish.

Direct to me: Blake, Felpham, near Chichester, Sussex.


Extract from a Letter from Thomas Butts to Blake.

Dear Sir,—... I am well pleased with your pleasures, feeling no small interest in your happiness; and it cannot fail to be highly gratifying to me and my affectionate partner to know that a corner of your mansion of peace is asylumed to her, and when invalided and rendered unfit for service, who shall say she may not be quartered on your cot But for the present she is for active duty, and satisfied with requesting that if there is a snug berth unoccupied in any chamber of your heart, her portrait may be suspended there—at the same time well aware that you, like me, prefer the original to the copy. Your good wife will permit, and I hope may benefit from the embraces of Neptune, but she