Page:The librarians of Harvard College 1667-1877.djvu/48

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know. ... As a friend, he was true and loyal. In dress, manners, appearance, and personal habits, he preserved to the last, much of the simplicity, and many of the unconventional ways, of his rural birthplace and his early life ; but there was in him the very soul of courtesy ; and those who knew him best had often fresh surprises in his fineness and delicacy of feeling, his tenderness for the sensibility of others, and his choice of such modes of performing kind acts as might best keep himself in the background, and ward off the painful sense of obligation."

AUTHORITIES: American academy, Proceedings, 1880, xxi. 637-639. The Harvard book, 1876, i. 112-121, 167-169 (portrait). Library journal, 1878, iv. 305-308. Lowell, Letters, 1893, ii. 147. Peabody, Memoir of Sibley in Proceedings Mast. hist. soc., 1886, 2d series, ii. 487-507 (portrait). Peabody, Harvard reminiscences, 1888, pp. 146-164. Sibley, MS. library journal.