Page:The library a magazine of bibliography and library literature, Volume 6.djvu/297

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28 5 ttbe Olibrars Bssociation of tbe ZHnitefc President His EXCELLENCY THE MARQUIS OF DUFFERIN AND AVA, K.P., G.C.B., &c. THE SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING of this Association, will be held in THE QUEEN'S COLLEGE, BELFAST, on the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th September, for the transaction of the annual business of the Association, and of such other business as may be lawfully dealt with. The Meeting will begin at 12 o'clock on the morning of TUESDAY, 4th September. - BUSINESS. I. The names of candidates proposed at, and since, the last Monthly Meeting, will be submitted for immediate election. II. His Excellency the President will address the members. III. The Report of the Council with the Treasurer's audited accounts will be submitted for adoption. IV. The *Election of Officers and Council for the ensuing year will be held. V. The following Amendments of the Constitution will be proposed : By the Council : (1) That in Chap. IV., Sec. i, lines 9 and 10 (see next page], the words " and Vice-Presidents " be struck out. (2) That Chap. VI., Sec. 2, which at present reads as follows : "The election of Officers and Council shall be " conducted by ballot upon a list which shall include all "nominations sent to the Secretary at least 10 days "before the annual meeting. Each nomination must " be assented to in writing by at least three members of " the Association,"

  • Nominations must be signed by three members, and be in the Hon.

Secretary's hands not later than August 24th.