Page:The life and times of King Edward VII by Whates, Harry Richard 1.djvu/28

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10 LIFE AND TIMES OF EDWARD VII. Chorus." The rite was performed by the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the scene was recorded by Sir George Hayter in one of his finest paintings of Royal gatherings. The Queen herself was much impressed. " It is impossible," she wrote in her journal, " to describe how beau- " Nothing could have been done better, and little Albert (what a pleasure that he has that dearest name !) behaved so well." The rite over, the next ordeal for the Prince was vaccination. " We were, and the boy, too, all three vaccinated ST. GEORGE'S CHAPEL. WINDSOR. Photo: Pictorial Agency. tiful and imposing the effect of the whole scene was in the fine old Chapel, with the banners, the music, and the light shining on the altar " The infant be- haved with becoming propriety, even at the critical moment when he was sprinkled with water from the River Jordan. " You will have heard how perfectly and splen- didly everything went off on the 25th," the Queen wrote to her uncle Leopold. from the same child yesterday ! " wrote the Queen on February 8th. Thereafter, the Royal guest for the christening having departed for his own kingdom, the Queen and the Prince Consort and the " awfully large nursery " betook them- selves to Brighton, the Heir to the Throne thus making his first acquaint- ance with a town for which in later life he had a special fondness. The next

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