Page:The life and times of King Edward VII by Whates, Harry Richard 4.djvu/15

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CONTENTS vii PAGE Rhodes and his Plans The Jameson Raid: Its History, Fortunes and Failure Mr. Chamberlain and Cape Politics Mr. Rhodes "Faces the Music" The Report of the Committee How it was Received in Parliament Boer Oppressions and Uitlander Grievances The Bloemfontein Convention Mr. Kruger's Claim to Independence A High-handed Ultimatum War Begins Mafeking, Kimberley and Ladysmith Besieged Buller Goes to the Front Lord Roberts Takes the Field The British Flag Flies at Pretoria ............... 107 CHAPTER VIII. THE EVOLUTION OF SOUTH AFRICA : PRETORIA AND PEACE The Two Republics Annexed A Long and Exhausting Guerilla Warfare Lord Methuen Chases De Wet Flight of Kruger Lord Roberts' Proclamation The Hospitals at the Front Some Astonishing Statements A Breakdown Admitted Lord Roberts' Report Punishing the Rebels A Soft-hearted Policy The Concentration Camps An Unsatis- factory State of Things Lord Kitchener Assumes Command Futile Negotiations with General Botha Further Ferocious Fighting Peace in Sight The Terms of Surrender The Three Days' Conference " The Grave of Two Republics " Peace : and its Price How the News was Received in London Death of Cecil Rhodes Some Other African Matters . . . . . . . . . . . . .137 CHAPTER IX. SOME DOMESTIC POLICIES Lord Rosebery's Administration A Change of Government A Big Unionist Majority Mr. Balfour Leads the House Years of Prosperity A Talk of Old Age Pensions The 1895 Education Bill How it was Received Legislation on the Land Question The Passing of the Workmen's Compensation Act A Big Naval Programme Bigger Ships ; and More of Them " Defence, not Defiance " The Duke of Cambridge Retires Army Reform A Special Commission The Military Board Established The Coming of County Councils Irish Local Government A Batch of Useful Enactments An - Educational Evolution Moie Trouble over Armenia South African Affairs in Parlia- ment Five Nights of Debate Mr. Chamberlain Hits Out Imperialism to the Front The Influence of Albert Edward . . . . . . . . . .169 CHAPTER X. CRISIS UPON CRISIS Diplomatic Hostility in Europe The Trouble in the Far East How Japan Defeated the Chinese The Effect in Europe The Treaty of Shimonoseki Intrigues and Counter- moves Russian Designs on Port Arthur The Boxer Rising The "Mailed Fist" Ger- many Acquires Territory in China Russia Forces the Situation : and Wins Lord Salisbury's Action England Secures Wei-hai-wei The Creation of "Spheres of In- fluence" What the Chinese Thought of it The Emperor Abdicates Peking is Besieged