Page:The life of Christopher Columbus.djvu/11

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To the Right Honorable the Marquis of Bute:

My Lord Marquis, —

As a tribute to your recent conversion to the Catholic faith, I take the liberty of dedicating to you this version of the Life of one of your co-religionists, than whom you cannot, for your future imitation, find a more perfect model, short of the acknowledged Saints of the Church; for Columbus is a model for all Christian men, and particularly for those in high stations.

And the fact that he has not long since been enrolled among the canonized Saints shows how extremely exacting (if I may use the expression) Rome is on the subjects of heroic piety and virtue, and even miracles, previously to conferring that ineffable honor.

With sentiments of the highest consideration, I have the unspeakable honor and happiness to be, my Lord.

One of your fellow-Catholics,

J. J. R.
