Page:The looking-glass.djvu/46

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the looking-glass.

coats in this matter, and how unstable some men are in all their ways. There are many other important points which I shall endeavor to lay before you for the good of the rising generation and mankind at


D. H. P."

Being now clear of the Church in Philadelphia, I prepared to go forth into the great vineyard, and labor in the bonds of the everlasting Gospel. The following certificates were given me by my clerical brethren, that I might be known to those whom I visited:

"Philadelphia, Jan. 2, 1849.

"This certifies that the bearer, Rev. Daniel H. Peterson, is an acceptable member of the A. F. M. E. Church, a member of Conference, and a preacher of the Gospel.

John Cornish,

Pastor, &c, Bethel Church."

"Philadelphia, Jan. 24, 1849.

"This will certify that we have known Rev. D. H. Peterson a number of years. We have ever found him to be an honest man, whose word is to be depended upon. He is a full member of the Christian Church, of good standing, &c. lie is an official man;