Page:The man on horseback (IA manonhorseback00abdurich).pdf/25

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tious. I've followed the gold trail these fifty years or more, an' I know! I have seen mighty strange things in the hills. I could tell—things. And, Tom, down there in the Yankee Doodle Glory, when I found that bit o' quartz with the true color sticking in it like raisins in a pudding, I had a funny feeling. I. . . I was scared, scared stiff. Well, never mind," he wound up, returning to his bunk and taking off his clothes. "To-morrow you got to get up right early and take a sample of that there ore to Newson Garrett in Spokane. He'll make us an assay. Good night."

"Good night," mumbled Tom, who was already half asleep.