Page:The military and civil history of Connecticut during the war of 1861-65 - comprising a detailed account of the various regiments and batteries, through march, encampment, bivouac (IA

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The Summer of 1862. - The Fourteenth Regiment called for. - The Military Situation. -Appeal of the Exeentive. - Enthusiastic Response by the People. -- War-Meetings and Local Effort. - Recruiting Committees. — The Fourteenth full. – New Haven raises the Fitteenth. — Hartford recruits the Sixteenth. - Seventeenth from Fairfield County. - Eighteenth from New- London County. Nineteenth from Litchfield County. - Twentieth and Tweuty-first organized. - The Second Battery goes from Bridgeport. - All assigned to the ** Army of the Potomac"


The Call for Seven Regiments of Nine-months Jien. The second Great Uprising. - Recruiting Active. - XIeetings and Bounties. - A Draft announced. - The Camps. Exemption sought. Skulks and Cowards. – The Surgeons besieged.- The White-liver Complaint. - Incidents. - How New Haven filled her Quota. - The Day of the Draft. - The Mountain brings forth. - All the Regiments Full. - The Twenty-second from Hartford and Tolland Counties. - Twenty-third from Fairfield and New Haven. Twenty-fourth from Middlesex.-Twenty-fifth from Hartford. - Twenty-sixth from New London and Windham. -Twenty-seventh. from New Haven. -Twenty-eighth from Fairfield and Litchfield. - The Rendezvous on Long Island.


The Eighth and Eleventh near Newberne. - To Newport News. - Re-organization of the Eleventh. – To Fredericksburg - Pope, defeated, retreats on Washington. - Col. Kingsbury in command of the Brigade.— Arrival in Washington.- Movement into Maryland. - The Fourteenth and Sixteenth join the Column. --South Mountain. -The Affair of Turper's Gap. - Choice Rebel Literature


Battle of Antietam. - Charge of the Eleventh. - Exploit of Capt. Gibbons. The Contest for the Stone Bridge.- Inexplicable Condnet of Burnside. - Coolness and Efficiency of the Fourteenth. - Charge of Harlaud's Brigade. - Capt. Chuirles L. Upham's Company capture a Battery: - Great Bravery of the Eighth. – Gallant Conduct of Col. Appelman. - Fatality of the Color-Guard. - Harland assumes Command of Rodmau's Division. - Severe Losses. - Sufferings of the Wounded. - Corporal Henry A. Eastman of the t'eventh. – Death of Col. Kingsbury and others. — Total Casualties of the Battle. - Death of Major-Gen. Joseph K. F. Mansfield.-- Biography of Bluosfield. - Retreat of Lee's Army


Tardy Pursuit of Lee. - The Eighth, Eleventh, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth, and Twenty-first Connecticut Volunteers. - Gen. Burnside in Command. - March to Falmouth. - The Battle of Fredericksburg. - Gallantry of the Fourteenth and Twenty-seventh. -- Gen. Haral's Official Report. - The Disastrous Repulse. - Whereabouts of the Fifth, Seventeenth, Twentieth, and Twenty-second. - Private Elias Howe, Jr. -- The Army Rationi. - Camp at Staford Court House.


The First Connecticut Battery and Seventh Regiment in Florida. - Capture of St. John's Bluft. - Sixth and Seventh in Sonth Carolina. - Battle of Pocotaligo. - The Twelfth at Camp Parapet. -Yankee Enterprise. - Anecdotes of the Thirteenth. - Services and Sufferings of the Ninth at Vicksburg. - The Battle of Baton Rouge. - The La Fourche Campaign. — Battle of Georgia Laurling. - Thanksgiving. - The Nine months' Regiments leave Long Island. - The Twenty-eighth at Pensacola. – Destruction of a Rebel Gunboat.


Spring Election of 1863. The Peace Wing of the Democracy again Demonstrative. Buckingham rerous Seymour. — “No more War!”- The Platforms. --Gov. Seymour's Letter. - Appeals from tlie Connecticut Reginents in the field. --Sharp Extracts. -The Vote. Eaton's Resolutions in the Assembly. - After Fredericksburg. - The Eighth, Eleveuth, Filteenth, Sixteenth, and Twenty-first at Newport News. - Siege of Suffolk. Skirmizlies and Recomoissances. -Capture of Fort Huger. - Raising of the Siege. – Evacuation.—"'The Blackberry Raic"