Page:The military and civil history of Connecticut during the war of 1861-65 - comprising a detailed account of the various regiments and batteries, through march, encampment, bivouac (IA

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General Asscmbly: - Adjourned Session in January, 1864. - Spring Session. - Governor's Message. -Tlie Ballot given to Soldiers in the field. - Calls for Troops. --- Recruiting. - The Quotas filled. - How it was done. -- Presidential Election. The Twenty-ninth (colored) io Sonth Carolina. - The Eighteenth Regiment - Home on Furlough. - Advance with Sigel. - Defeat at Ncwmarket. - Victory at Piedmout. - Loss of Brave Men. - Pushing South. - Across the James. - Advance on Lynchburg. - Repulse and Retreat. --- Early Attacks Washington.- Affair at Snicker's Ferry


The Dead Lock at Petersburg. - Flank Movement on the Right. - The Sixth, Seventh, Tenth, Fourteenthi, and Twenty-niath Connecticut, and the First Battery, engaged. - Four-mile Run. - Battle of Deep Run. Charge by Terry's Division. ---Strawberry Plaios. -Withdrawal. - Casualties. — The Fourteenth at Reams's Station.- Casualties. - Incidents along the Line.


Still in Front of Petersburg. - Demonstration on the Left. - The Fourteenth.- Advance of Butler. - Chaffiu's Bluft. - Capture of Fort Harrison. - The Eighth and Twenty-first. - The Sixth, Seventh, Tenth, and Twenty-tinth on the Right. - Rebel Repulse Casualties. Attack on Terry's Line. — Liepulse. - Counter-Attack. Death of Major H. W. Camp. - Hawley's Brigade on the Darbytown Road. - The Twenty-ninth as Skirmishers. The second and Fourteenth on Hatcher's Run.- Hawley's Division at New York. - The First Artillery. - Butler fails to capture Fort Fisher. -Terry takes it by Storm


The Fifth and Twentieth ja Tennessee. - Guarding the Railroad. - Fight with Guerrillas. - Retaliation. - Advance of the Spring, — The Twentieth at Boyd's Trail. - Battle of Resaca. — Amusing Incidents. The Fifth and Twentieth at Peach-tree Creek. Sherinan's Flank Movement. - Atlanta occupied. - Casualties in the Commecticut Regiments. -- A Rest. - The March to the Sea. - At Savannah. - Second Connecticut Battery. - In Louisiana and at Mobile. — “The Bay Fight


Sheridan takes Command in the Shenandoah. - The First Connecticut Cavalry, Second Artillery, anıl Ninth, Twelfth, Thirteenth, and Lighteenth Infantry. - At Winchester. Kearneysvilic. - Skirmishes. - Battle of Opcquan Creek. - Casualties. - Spring Hill. - Cedar Creek. - Defeat and Victory. Teavy Losscs. — The Pursuit. - Roll of Honor of Yale College and Wesleyan University. — The Seventeenth in Florida. -Battles and Raids, -Successes and Disasters.Incidents. Casualties.


Prison Experience of our Soldiers. - Testimony of a Confederate Surgeon. - Experience of Weston Ferris on Belle Isle. - Great Privation and Suffering. — Condition of Prisoners at Camp Ford, Tex. - Gen. E. M. Lee in Libby. - Capture of Major Sanford and Men of the Seventh. Adventures of Three Officers of the Sixteenth. - Fidelity of Surgeon Nickerson. — Thrilling Narrative of Lieut. Nailey. – Deaths ut Andersonville. - Incidents of Martyrdoin


Affairs before Richmond. - Grant and Sherman of Connecticut Stock. - Genealogy.- Location and Organization of Connecticut Regiments. - The First Cavalry returns to l'etersburg Whitaker captures Major Gilmor, Twelfth und Eighteeuth Regiments. - First Artillery.--- Death of Lieut.-C... Trumbull. ---Scond Artilicry. First: Second, and Third Batteries. — Sixth an Seventh.- Death of Chaplain Eaton. Eighth, Eleventh, Twenty-first, and Twenty-ninth. - Ninth and Toirteenth. Tenth and Fourteenth. - Sherman's Great March North wurd. - The life and I wentieth. - Incidents of the Campaign.- Battles and Victories. - Casualties, – Disaster of the Fifteenth Connecticut. - The Sixteenth