Page:The model locomotive engineer, fireman and engine-boy.pdf/33

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other things, might be mentioned to show that the exhibition of high intelligence is not confined to the invention of the steam-engine. But to trace the origin of the invention, although a very delightful task, and a matter of earnest inquiry, would be a long affair. It is right to render homage where it is due, and to clothe with honourable mention the names of those who by their illustrious acts really deserve it. Look at the effects now wrought by those great men who sleep the sleep that knows no waking. The steam-engine traverses the rails and the seas in defiance of winds and tides; the earth gives up her metals and minerals, and we receive from the labours of our predecessors a goodly heritage. All the hard. scheming was comparatively done years ago; know- ledge now lies waiting to be gleaned; and time itself moves not so fast as improvements do.