Page:The moods of Ginger Mick.djvu/138

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Clobber.—Raiment; vesture.

Cobber.—A boon companion.

Collect.—To receive one's deserts.

Colour-line.—In pugilism, the line drawn by white boxers excluding coloured fighters—for divers reasons.

Conk.—The nose.

Coot.—A person of no account (used contemptuously).

Cop.—To seize; to secure; also s., an avocation, a "job."

Cop (or Copper).—A police constable.

Copper-top.—Red head.

Copper show.—A copper mine.

Count, to take the.—In pugilism, to remain prostrate for ten counted seconds, and thus lose the fight.

Cove.—A "chap" or "bloke." q.v. (Gipsy).

Cow.—A thoroughly unworthy, not to say despicable person, place, thing or circumstance.

Crack.—To smite. s. A blow.

Crack a boo.—To divulge a secret; to betray emotion.

Crack hardy.—To suppress emotion; to endure patiently; to keep a secret.

Cray.—A crayfish.

Crib.— A dwelling.

Croak.—To die.

Crook.—A dishonest or evil person.

Crook.—Unwell; dishonest; spurious; fraudulent. Superlative, Dead Crook.

Crool (cruel) the pitch.—To frustrate; to interfere with one's schemes or welfare.

Crust.—Sustenance; a livelihood.

Cut it out.—Omit it; discontinue it.