Page:The moods of Ginger Mick.djvu/149

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Stajum.—Stadium, where prize-fights are conducted.

Stiffened.—Bought over.

Stiff-un.—A corpse.

Stoke.—To nourish; to eat.

Stop a pot.—To quaff ale.

Stoush.—To punch with the fist. s. Violence.

Straight, on the.—In fair and honest fashion.

Strangle-hold.—An ungentle embrace in wrestling.

Strength of it.—The truth of it; the value of it.

Stretch, to do a.—To serve a term of imprisonment.

Strike.—The innocuous remnant of a hardy curse.

Strike.—To discover; to meet.

Strong, going.—Proceeding with vigour.

'Struth.—An emaciated oath.


Stunt.—A performance; a tale.

Swad, Swaddy.—A private soldier.

Swank.—Affectation; ostentation.

Swap.—To exchange.

Swell.—An exalted person.

Swig.—A draught of water or other liquid.

Tabbie.—A female.

Take 'em on.—Engage them in battle.

Take it out.—To undergo imprisonment in lieu of a fine.

Tart.—A young woman (contraction of sweetheart).

Tenner.—A ten-pound note.

Time, to do.—To serve a term in prison.

Time, to have no time for.—To regard with impatient disfavour.

Tip.—To forecast; to give; to warn.