Page:The museum, (Jackson, Marget Talbot, 1917).djvu/251

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borne in mind. The object of the bulletin is primarily to interest and instruct a lay public; therefore articles of a purely academic nature are undesirable. On the other hand, infinite care must be taken never to talk down to the public. State things in an interesting way, avoid excess of technicalities, and make the reader feel an overwhelming desire to go to see the object described. The bulletin is not the place to print articles of a scientific nature which will show the depth of the knowledge of the members of the staff. Accuracy of statement is essential and the aim of the bulletin should be to bring to the attention of its public the breadth and scope of the collections as well as to point out the most interesting objects. An occasional article on collecting or on contemporary art or a discussion of exhibitions in other cities can be introduced with good effect. But in the case of the latter it is questionable policy to report an exhibition in a neighboring city when it is too late for the readers to profit by the description in going to see the show. All matter of a controversial character should be excluded from the bulletin of the museum.

Some bulletins carry advertisements which greatly help in the expense of publication. However, when this is done there should by all means