Page:The museum, (Jackson, Marget Talbot, 1917).djvu/257

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ORDER No. 16

Please ship to-day via Franconia Express

X Prepaid, Collect, Valuation $500 on each box

To Messrs. Roderique & Son
310 Fifth Ave., N. Y., N. Y.

Nos. 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, in February exhibition, being paintings by Davis (1), Hassam (2), Friesecke (2), Davie s (/), Bellows (/), Henri (2).

William Leavitt, Director.

March 16,191- These paintings were rec'd Jan. 26.

A similar notice is made out for the special shipments requested by the dealer. The packer then consults his list of arrivals, and finds under date of January 26th : "Received 5 boxes numbered 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, from Roderique & Son, via Franconia Express, $500 on each box, charges prepaid." Turning to his box list he finds that box 90 contained pictures 15, 3, 5, 7, etc. But owing to the fact that all the pictures are not to be returned to the same place, they must be differently packed, so he enters in his list the fact "Box 90 shipped to Detroit per order No. — with Nos. 1, 5, 7." A similar record is kept of all the pictures which are packed in the old boxes as far as possible. In his shipping list he enters