Page:The museum, (Jackson, Marget Talbot, 1917).djvu/67

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regular circuit in an ordinary system, as the lecturer's voice and the sound of applause can be heard in all the other rooms on the circuit.


The modern museum must be provided with workshops. Certain pieces of work should never be done outside. It is not always necessary to have workmen constantly employed in the building in all the fields that are needed, but the shops should be arranged so that an expert coming in from outside would not be handicapped. A restorer's studio, a carpenter's shop with a full set of tools and cabinet maker's bench, a printer's office with a small hand press, a paint shop especially fire-proofed and not connected with other rooms, a disinfecting room equipped with vacuum tank for the use of the textile department, a plaster moulder's shop, possibly even a small forge, and a photographer's studio are all more or less necessary. Some of these shops may be located in the basement, others, like the printer's office and the photographer's studio should be up under the roof. But wherever they are, they must be arranged so that large objects can easily be taken to and from them. Much better results can be obtained by the photographer with paintings in his studio than in the galleries. Access to the