Page:The music of Bohemia.djvu/23

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xiii century

\new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff { 
  \time 2/2
  \relative e' {
  <e a>4\<^( <f b>) <g c>^( <a d>\!) | <a c>2\> <gis b> |
  <a e>1\! | <a c>4. q8 <g b>2 |
  <g e>4\f <b d> <a c>\>^( <gis b>\!) | <e a>1 |
  << { a4 f } \\ { c2\p^"dolce" } >> <e g> | 
  <f a>4\< <e g>\! <c a'> <d f> | <e g>1\< |
  <f a>4\! <e g> <c a'> <d f> | <e g>1 |
  << { f2^>\f e4^> d^> } \\ { f2 e4 d } >> |
  <e a>2\< <e c'>2\! | <e b'>1\fermata \bar "||"
} }
\new Staff {
  \clef bass
  \relative c' {
  << { c4^( d) e^( f) | e2. d4 } \\ { a2. d,4 e1 } >> | <a c>1 |
  <a e'>4. q8 <e e'>2 |
  <c e'>4 <d f'> << { e'( d4) } \\ { e,2 } >> | <a c>1 |
  << { f4 } \\ { f } >> <a d,>4 <c c,>2 | 
  \repeat unfold 2 { << { c2 a2 c1 } \\ { f,,4 c' f d c1 } >> } |
  << { f2 e4 d } \\ { f2 e4 d } >> | <c a'>2 <a a'>2 | <e e' gis>1  
} }

The fifteenth century saw the great reformation in Bohemia under the Czech reformer, John Huss, who in Bethlehem Chapel, Prague, mercilessly criticized the abuses in the Church. His flaming sermons fired with enthusiasm the souls of the truth-seeking Czechs. It is hard to describe the anger of the people when John