Page:The mystic test book.djvu/17

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Egyptian Astronomy; The Four Seasons; Application of the Tarot to Astronomy; Astronomy and Astrology; Fortune Telling by the Tarot," etc. But a perusal of the chapters under these head lines gave no light whatever upon occultism. The cards recognized by the author, being worthless as a test book and wholly useless as a tarot book.

Reader, do not be misled by any of the so-called occult works upon the subject. They are very numerous and all quote and re-quote from each other, but it is the old story of the "blind leading the blind," and we can see without glasses, behind all this dust throwing, the secret hand of the great enemy of our order, and the enemy of science.

The Egyptians were not the originators of the sacred Test Book. The only people that were ever so situated as to possess the knowledge and acquirements necessary for such a work, lived long anterior to the Egyptians.

That nation was the Atlantians. This test book was the crystalization of ages upon ages of observation of the stars and planets, coupled with observations of the actions of mankind as known in that day.

Atlantis had an old and a grand civilization. She was the last remaining portion of a vast continent, that had existed for more than four hundred thousand years, where the great Atlantic Ocean now tosses its waves.

The engraving shows the remnant left, after untold thousands of years of wear and tear of the elements had degraded the continent and cast a great part of the detritus upon what afterwards became the Continent of America.

Upon a certain portion of this land, somewhat to the South-East of the geographical center thereof, existed high-