Page:The mystic test book.djvu/186

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secret emblem at the top with the emblems of power on each side. The eight at the right hand end of the cross represents power in knowledge. I will not give all the emblematic meanings here, leaving much for our mystic friends to study out.

But we will call the attention of the student to the fact that the quadration from the solar test book, endlessly produces Christ upon the same place in this cross. The king of spades, a representative of the kingly power, and the 8 of clubs before spoken of, remain throughout all the quadrates in the same positions. The king at the head of the sun line. In order to illustrate this fully, and at the same time to give our readers the first 12 solar quadrates complete, we will give upon the next alternating pages from 183 to 203 inclusive, the other eleven solar quadratic spreads. They are all well worthy of study as independent quadrates.

Following this series, we will give upon pages 205, 207 and 209 samples of quadrated astral test book, upon astronomical time, with the deal in fours. There are thousands of these, so we give only three for purposes of study. With this explanation, we are prepared to go on with our work.


Combinations of cards, either under one planet or side by side in same life lines, change the indications very materially. That is, combinations tending in a certain direction, either good or bad, favorable or unfavorable, are stronger than the indications of their component parts would be if in separated positions.