Page:The mystic test book.djvu/196

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We Keep a pamphlet for sale at the Grand Temple each year, which gives the position of the planets for the year. Sent postpaid for 25 cents, to any address. When certain planets are in strong aspect to each other; for instance in conjunction or opposition; or when two planets are each in the same aspect relative to the earth, such as quadrature or sextile; the emblems ruling in the same life line and under those co-ordinating planets act together, so as to augment their effect or neutralize each other in the same manner as when such appear together under one planet.

In order to aid the student in understanding the planetary effects, so that he can calculate as nearly as possible as to whether the effects co ordinate, antagonize or are neutral in any given condition. We give a condensed, general table of planetary effects on page 190.

The letters at the side are the ones used to indicate the suits and are always used in recording the names of emblems, instead of writing the names out in full.

The earth and moon both act together and rule in clubs, but the card lay-outs do not spread cards for those bodies because the earthly and lunarian magnetism is already accounted for in the planetary calculations. The earth effect is a "constant," that is a force constantly acting at the same distance, upon the inhabitants.

The effects of the moon is nearly a constant as to distance but constitutes a changeable force as to polarity.

While the brains of a human being are in a good normal state, Luna has but little effect upon that person except in the physical condition.

But the moment that the brain becomes diseased, the rate