Page:The mystic test book.djvu/198

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of psychic vibration comes within the power of the moon to co-ordinate therewith and just in proportion to the extent of the cerebral unbalancing; or derangement the moon's effect takes the place of the normal planetary effects.


It is a strange fact, but it has been determined by observations, that a lay-out of cards, spread from the handling and mixing of a lunatic, actually become reversed in their meanings and all rule under the moon. Bad cards are better than the normal indication, while good ones become bad.

Success becomes disappointment, love becomes hate, virtue and goodness become immorality and sin. Trouble and weakness are no longer indicated by sevens but by eights.

Predictions made regarding the action of insane persons, under given conditions, must be more or less reversed according to the extent of the mental aberation.


There are always three cards called "sun cards" in each lay-out. These cards are the ones that do not rule under any one of the planets at the time, and they are usually regarded as emblems of effects that are not in the person's life at the time. By some masters, they are considered as events or conditions passed and gone out of the person's life.

From my own observations, I am inclined to the belief that the sun cards simply indicate that those conditions are not at present in force in the planetary aspects prevailing at the time.

Heliocentric astrology does not take the apparent motion of the sun into consideration, for the sun effect is always about the same and is called the "solar constant."