Page:The mystic test book.djvu/252

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of this grand triangle, cover its majestic sweep of the heavens; would still hold its mystic sway forever and ever.

We also notice in some minute particulars, such as the place of the Secret Magi emblem in the house of Libra that the cards themselves occupy emblematic places. The nine of spades occupies the "house of death." The ace of hearts begins the quarter of love, with a heart single to the labor of love. From that house upward to the house of Virgo, each card corresponds in spot value to the house it occupies.

Coming down the line of the perpendicular, we have the one, three, five, seven, steps of the Mystic Temple. Add each spot value to that of its mate on the hypotenuse, beginning at the apex of the triangle, and we produce numbers which give the numbers of the house where the emblems are placed on the perpendicular line.

The sacred triangle is constantly showing itself in a multitude of ways in tarotology. It is truly wonderful to analyze card emblem tarots in all their manifestations under various conditions and to observe the peculiar triangular formations that manifest themselves.

On the next page we give the birth tarot of Mrs. L. J. Shafer, Grand Sentinel of the Temple at Chicago. We select this particular tarot for the reason that it exhibits several peculiar features, among which the "word" appears, exhibited in suits, in a variety of ways. It is a "mystic tarot" in every sense of the word.

The reader will first be apt to notice the row of mystic sevens running through the tarot. This is a peculiar feature and the strange part of it is, that in all this line, those four