Page:The mystic test book.djvu/267

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Card, shows that you have a very affectionate and loving disposition. The ace of spades—the secret and mystic card — just below, indicates a mystic disposition and a love of secret, unusual knowledge. Your money affairs are usually in a state of indecision, and you do not feel wholly settled,

1H 10 H 7 D
3 D J D 5 C
K D 1 S J H


and desire a change of business. This is indicated by the five of clubs and three of diamonds on opposite sides of your birth card. The cornering cards are not so significant, but the ace of hearts indicates a desire for love and affection, and the jack of hearts indicates a true friend.


Significators. They are well distributed, falling, as they do, under all the seven planets. This indicates that your life, at present, is well balanced, and the three success cards ruling with you now are indicative of future success in your undertakings.

The four of spades indicates a satisfaction in your future labors. The eight of diamonds, a power in pecuniary affairs, and the six of clubs, a slow gaining of knowledge. The queen, ruling under Neptune, indicates a loving woman who affects your life strongly.

The good and bad in your life is well balanced, and the red and black emblems are not in long diagonal lines, as with many persons. This fact indicates that you do not hold to one line of thought, action or labor for a long period at a time.