Page:The mystic test book.djvu/276

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Now, to sum up all the thirty-fours in one of these numerical tarots:

Quadratics on diagrams A, B, C, D 10
Quadratics on diagrams E, F, G, H 8
Corner and center quadrates, common 2
Diagonals of tarots, X, 2
Perpendicular lines 4
Horizontal line 4
Total 30
Common to all tarots 14
Extra above the least quadratic 16

Just equal to the number of squares in the birth tarot.

The following specimens are tarots of the wonderful "cross" series, so called because a number of them are used in the unfoldment of the magic cube into the magic cross. They are not only remarkable from their quadratic qualities, but they all have the strange peculiarity that any line can be taken off of any side and moved to the other side, or top to bottom anywhere, without injury to the tarot.

1 8 11 14 1 15 10 8 1 14 4 15
15 10 5 4 12 6 3 13 12 7 9 6
6 3 16 9 7 9 16 2 13 2 16 3
12 13 2 7 14 4 5 11 8 11 5 10


There are 384 of these tarots on record in the archives of the Magi. On page 274 we give the celebrated "Tarot Cross," from one of the Grand Temple charts. It is worthy of careful study, as it shows wonderful characteristics, which go to prove that the "Cross," as a magic emblem, belongs to the Magi.