Page:The mystic test book.djvu/289

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It is this: As wonderful as the other co-ordinations are, even the spirit values are thrown into the shade by the strange fact that the negative spirits also co-ordinate and form another perfect triangular representation of the word.

The diagram of negative spirits given herewith on page 284 illustrates this wonderful expression.

The negative spirits of the Base add up. 168
The negative spirits of the Perpendicular add up. 224
The negative spirits of the Hypotenuse add up 280
The square of 168= 28224
The square of 224= 50176
The square of 280= 78400

Showing a perfect right-angled triangle.

I have said nothing heretofore regarding the interweaving of the sacred 7, in this work, of the triangle. I will notice a little of it here. Out of just 24 figures representing the negative spirits, that is equal to the hours in a day, one-fourth of them are sevens. That is a much larger per centage than would come under a law of "chance," one-tenth being the average.

Then, again, seven times twenty-four these same numbers make 168, the base of the negative spirit triangle.

Seven times the Solar Constant, 32, is equal to 224, the perpendicular. The sum of the squares of 24 and 32=1600 the square root of which, 40, multiplied by 7=280, the hypotenuse of the negative triangle. This shows clearly that the 7 is not in there by chance, but for business. In any opinion, there is more divine law and inspiration illustrated in that triangle, as a whole, than can be found in all the "sacred" books in the world, except one.