Page:The mystic test book.djvu/291

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On the cross, where the horizontal crosses the upright shaft, the jack of hearts is found, and he remains there, no matter how many quadrations are made, with the king of spades at the bottom.

As the jack of hearts represents the "Christ principle" in nature, this emblematic representation is interesting, from the fact that it is naturally mathematically fixed, and not arbitrary. In that respect the remarks applied to the mystic triangle will hold good here.


Although the layout above shown starts at Aries, at the lower Celestial Meridian, the natural Zero point of the present day, and thereby exhibits the Quadratic Cross lying across the Zodiac, it is far more in accordance with esoteric practice to begin the deal of the layout in Cancer.

First, the year begins there, the Earth starting in on its long journey from Cancer. Second, it is the perihelion of the Earth. Third, it is a point in the heavens which seems to have been universally selected by mankind for the birth of Saviors—that is, a point near the Apsides. In the case of Jesus, the date comes within less than four degrees of that line.

The layout which produces the Cross from the perihelion deal is shown in the next engraving, and, to make the Cross more striking, the rest of the cards are omitted, and the ones only put in which are covered by the Cross.

This arrangement seems to be even more remarkable than the other, for the foot of the Cross sets in Pisces, which rules the feet, but it is also the "house of death," in Mystic symbolism.