Page:The mystic test book.djvu/305

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mysticism, and the universal Religion of the Stars, as proven by the numerous examples we have in tarots, stars, etc. In the Grand Temple at Chicago, we have a cross on a large chart, called the "Cross of OM," which I have reproduced for the benefit 'of our readers at a distance. This Cross possesses certain mathematical qualities which make it a co-ordination nearly as remarkable as the mystic triangle or the sextuple star.

First. It contains exactly the Test Book, 52 emblems complete. It is perfect in geometrical form. It has 12 rows of emblems in the upright stem, equal to the months in a year. Each row has 3 emblems typical of the 3 houses in the quarter, or months in each season of the year.

The first 3 rows at the bottom form an emblem tarot; spot values 15, solar values 54, suit values 39, or 3 tarots in one.

The next 9 emblems above constitute a perfect tarot; spots 18, suits 78, solar values 96.

The next 9 cards are all court cards, and they form a perfect tarot, with spots 36, suits 39, solar values 75. Strange to say, the spirit values of this tarot make a perfect tarot on all the lines except one diagonal. 7 lines=127, the eighth being imperfect by exactly the amount of the "spirit double," 89. The 9 emblems at the top make a perfect tarot with spots 15, suits 78, solar values 93. We thus have in the stem of the cross 4 tarots, each containing 3, making 12, equal to the houses of the Zodiac.

The arms of the Cross are strangely occult in composition. They are remarkable examples of the exhibition of sevens, these mystic numbers representing the planets. The spot