Page:The mystic test book.djvu/321

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Pyramid Tarotology
Test Book Supplement of 1919

As the publication of all the knowledge in the possession of the Grand Temple, regarding this subject, would cost tens of thousands of dollars, I have concluded to give a brief outline of the emblem branch only; together with illustration of the altar cloth used in the work and a few sample tarots of the thousands in our records.

The Pentads, or Pyramid tarots, are the most used in magic; from the fact that they fit the zodiac in so many ways. Chart one shows this on the altar cloth. Each house having two squares; the positive being next to the sun, the negative outside. Except those which are equidistant from the sun, in which case, the first square in right ascension is positive.

Previous to the present Jurisdiction, 1844 on, mathematicians knew nothing about the Geometry of Tarots. To them all tarots looked alike; as the mathematical tarots do to this day. But the grand discovery of the "soul of the tarots" differentiated them into Generic Classes, families and branches. To the ancients, a beautiful, nicely balanced "soul tarot," looked much the same as a veritable "Straw stack." Yet one is highly evolved, while the other is low in evolution.

They correspond to humanity in many ways. They have family ties, sisters, mothers, cousins, aunts and offspring; even to the fifth generation. The traits of the