Page:The mystic test book.djvu/329

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"X" Tarot is one where A+G=B+F, and so on with all the corners. All Betta Tarots, and many other, have this peculiar quality. The emblem tarot in Chart Two makes the first pair below. The splendid Soul Tarot "Buffalo" is named after the city it was discovered in.

Right JUMP this and we have the well known Alpha; No. 2.

Bottom JUMP No. 1 and we have the sister of Alpha, Miss Betta shown in No. 3.

We can STEP her, as much as we please, without any injury to her soul or her body, as she is a 4X Tarot.

If you Step No. 2, DE PU, you have the wonderful tarot Capri Primo. Step No. 1, PU gives the marvelous and choice "Regulus." We can go on with this process and get numerous other tarots which we have not space to present. X Tarots are great for transforming purposes, as they can be so readily changed to fit odd transformers.

THE THIRD CHART IN THIS SERIES is an inspired tarot miade by the writer, in Minneapolis in 1909; with the help of four Inner Temple members. When its beauty was revealed to us by turning over the emblems, we were struck almost dumb by seeing my personal birth elements so emblematically arranged by the Laws of Nature. My birth month doubled; my birth day, 22, stood at each corner faced by my birth year, 44, The strangest thing was the 4 threes, surrounding the sun and one of them, Diamonds, my own birth card. At the top stood three Queens, side by side, while three Jacks stood at the bottom to balance them.