Page:The mystic test book.djvu/332

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At first sight, we thought, with such a lay-out of doubles and birth elements, OM must have sacrificed the tarot to emblemology. But on reading the values, we were astonished to find an entirely new mathematical style of Alpha; an Alpha X Primo, It had the strange quality of the Betta as a 4X Tarot. Right Step this taroit and we have the marvelous Corona, No. 1 on plate. This is a regular formed tarot but hard to diagram in black, as it is so intricate.

CROSS, and we get another Buffalo, with all the qualities of that in Chart Two. Top Step this and we get a Regulus, No. 3. HOP and we have No. 4, our old friend, Betta. STAR and we get No. 5, old Cap. Primo. During all these changes the birth elements in the original emblem tarot go through wonderful transformations, interesting to view.


This chart gives only four of the leading Capries, naturally they are all Q Tarots and each is the Leader of several families. Try them with the various transformers given in this book. Chart No. 5 illustrates the ruling geometric tarot for each month in the year. It is excellent practice, for students, to procure a board and set of blocks and try to discover mathematical tarots to fit some, or all, of these "souls." Blocks, 25 in number, can be purchased in most toy stores. They should be ½″ thick; to be handled easily. How to make the best Algebraic Blocks will be taught to sixth degree mystics of the Grand Temple.

CHART NO. 6; gives a few specimens of the celebrated