Page:The mystic test book.djvu/341

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of this. The strange "double cross" was found by a lady from Milwaukee a few years ago. She had two great crosses in her life and one of them had lately been "up-set." She admitted this to be strictly true. She was a perfect stranger to me, but the emblems on the Cloth revealed her whole life. She confirmed my interpretation in full.

CHART NO. 11. Tarots number 12 and 13 are members of the famous "Queen" family. They are strange products of Evolution. When four lines of mates are made to run across a tarot diagonally on one-half the tarot, it makes a hard proposition for Nature to fill out the balance, into a perfect tarot. But she was able to do it to a limited extent. Queen number one could not quite come up to the beautiful soul which incarnated in it. It made a good perfect physical tarot, seen below, but this does not balance exactly with the soul above it. The body breeds backs with a sort of avatism to two of its progenitors, and exhibits a peculiar feature of each. But number two has an unbalanced Soul, to conform to its body. Fourteen, Fifteen and Sixteen speak for themselves and are well worth studying.

CHART NO. 12. Many of our higher members have asked for diagrams and directions for finding their entire circle of Birth cards. All persons, except a few born under the Joker or under Flours, have auxiliary birth cards for all the months. The ordinary birth emblem is the basis for finding all of them.


To find your birth cards for all the houses of the Zodiac: