Page:The mystic test book.djvu/39

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A few years ago some unknown genius invented it with the object evidently of adding interest to certain games. The first inventor placed all the four quarter emblems, hearts, clubs, diamonds and spades upon the card and made it a universal trump card.


It really "took" but little with the general public, and is usually thrown away. Its presence in a test book will invalidate every calculation and render an emblem reading null and void. Emblematically speaking, it seems to be all right, as it was the custom of ancient kings and queens to keep a jester.

In serious affairs this joker counted as nothing, and strange to say, as an astronomical emblem it counted the same. His solar value being zero. But the brotherhood begins to see a hidden meaning to this court fool, after all the "throwing out" he has been subjected to. He represents the four quarters by virtue of his four suits