Page:The mystic test book.djvu/51

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personal magnetism. Let him cut the book so prepared, 8 times in succession, with just 20 seconds interval between, and the ruling places are occupied by the cards ruling at the time, under the seven planets.

Now, quadrate the book and lay it out in the grand spread and every card in the Test Book comes under the planet where it rules with that person at the time, past, present or future, according to whether the planetary effect represented by it is at maximum, waxing or waning.

The lay outs or "grand spreads" in this book are illustrations of actual quadrates from time shuffles and cuts, in regular order on selected minutes. They are nearly all from my own magnetism; as it is necessary to have a set all by one person, of at least 52 lay outs in order to make a study of the subject.

At first sight any lay out seems to have no particular plan or form, illustrating the action of fixed laws. But the more you study these lay outs the greater will your wonder be at the evidences of an occult force back of the emblems.

Examine the spreads in this book and compare them one by one, and you will soon begin to observe the peculiar movements of certain ruling cards of co-ordinate values in spirit and solar values, as well as spots.

Then shuffle a book, cut it as instructed, quadrate it, spread it as hereinafter taught and observe the same evidences of law with yourself. Notice the peculiar grouping of the colors. The light and dark shades in your life, the couplets of co-ordinating emblems, et.c, etc. You will soon begin to see that there is a "spirit behind the cards" that can and does make itself manifest.