Page:The mystic test book.djvu/63

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interpretations constantly coming up, that great judgment and intuitive powers are needed to give the correct meanings. In the lay-outs and tables of definitions used in this work, I have taken the utmost pains to make them clear and easily understood, but I constantly realize from letters received daily that a large number of people do not try to understand. They seem to hate to think, and therefore ask a hundred questions regarding matters that are before them in print, I have had dozens, yes hundreds of letters covering page after page of manuscript, written by people who admit that they have "Temple Lectures, or the Religion of the Stars," and our O. O. M. paper, as well as bulletins, yet they ask ""are ladies admitted?" "Do you believe in evolution?" "How came you to get into this work?" and so on ad infinitum. Some good souls sit down and pour out 25 to 35 pages of foolscap manuscript giving their private views on such subjects as re-incarnation, evolution of the soul, astral magnetism and so on through all the subjects treated upon by me in my lectures.

Now, my dear good friends, while I appreciate the kind feelings that actuate most of you in this, I beg you to remember that I am a very busy man, my time is exceedingly valuable, compared with most people's, and furthermore, that your private views are useless to me. What I have to say is in print. Read it, digest it, and make as much or as little of it as you are able. It matters not whether you like it or hate it, if you have any views upon the subjects treated, give them to the world in print. I assure you that if they are worth considering, editors will gladly print them.