Page:The mystic test book.djvu/78

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should not attempt to read for himself but once in a day. Some persons are so constituted that once a week is fully often enough.

Second The manner of going about it. One who wishes correct results, should go about the preparation of the book in the same careful, painstaking, and as one might almost say "devout "frame of mind that the churchman experiences when opening the book he regards as sacred. I have noticed that occult emblems very rarely have anything to give to the idle and curious seekers after sensations.

The power back of the Mystic Test Book knows well the meaning of the expression once used by a teacher in olden time, relative to "pearls" and certain domestic animals.

It is not expected that every owner of this book will become an expert card reader; any more than that every initiate of the Grand Temple will become an astrologer and astronomer. Some can comprehend but little at the best. Some will think that a hurried glance at these pages, in the intervals of business, ought to give them the knowledge they seek, or else the whole thing is a humbug. But all such will fail to get what they seek; and it cannot be helped. Those who seek for light and wish to know the secret and order of the universe, must make a regular and careful study as far as their other duties will permit, or they will accomplish but little.

We shall now proceed to give the lay-outs and card definitions, leaving the other matters to come after.

In order, however, that the student may have the entire directions summarized within a small compass I will give here a review.