Page:The negro's origin.djvu/11

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credit of performing. Albinos may indeed spring from blacks, but we have never read of blacks springing from other than negro stock. Ham was no more black, than Japheth was white; each doubtless was of a ruddy or clay color, which is undoubtedly the normal. [1] Both white and black are extreme colors.

Those Orientals alone, who live within a few degrees north of 40° N., and a few degrees south of 30° N—the locality doubtless of their creation, have maintained their normal color. Those tribes who strayed northward, brightened; those who strayed southward, blackened. This is the fact presented to our gaze to-day The reason whereof, whether of heat or cold, whether of condition or usage, we leave for others to decide.

What are the evidences that Ham and his descendants peopled Africa? We speak first of Ham.

I. Evidences, scriptural and historical, of Ham going into Africa.

(a) Scriptural evidence.

"And smote the first-born in Egypt, the

  1. The first man was called אׇרׇם i.e., Adam. This word denotes in Scripture "A man, a human being, male or female." The root of it is אׇרַם, "to be red, ruddy," and was undoubtedly applied to man because of his ruddiness, or clay color, for in Hebrew all names are denotative.