Page:The negro's origin.djvu/13

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It is impossible to account for these marks, Scriptural and historical, on any other hypothesis, than the presence of Ham in Africa. No other continent claims him. No other continent presents the impress of his feet. The impress is genuine; it is original; let due credence be given.

II. Evidences, Scriptural and historical, of the sons of Ham going into Africa.

(A.) Cush is understood to have gone into Ethiopia. In Scripture wherever this word occurs, with the exception of Isaiah xi. 11, and Hab. iii. 7; and the places where it denotes a person, it is translated Ethiopia. If this be a proper translation, the settlement of Cush in Africa is assured, for the geographical position of Ethiopia is defined beyond controversy Is it a proper translation? That it is, appears from the following considerations.

(a.) The Cushim descended from Ham, and inhabited a hot south country Ham was in Africa, and his seed doubtless spread into the hot country of Ethiopia.

(b.) The Cushim were black. "Can the Ethiopian or Cushite change his skin?" Jer. xiii. 23.

(c.) The Cushim were in close proximity to the Egyptians, for the two are uniformly